In their book “The Handbook of Children, Media and Development” by Calvert, et al., the scholars discuss the relationship between children and the media. They admit that it is difficult for researchers to track the media effects in the twenty-first century as it is hard to distinguish what exactly the consequences and the effects may be. However, they do agree that media certainly does have an effect on children and their upbringing, noting as well that children born in the twenty-first century are brought up with computer screens in front of them. Childhood has been re-defined as childhood today means being disposed to media while in the past it was viewed as time spent by playing with friends and family. “Children and adolescents have unprecedented access to a diverse range of media activities” (Calvert, et al, 2009)
Today the children are exposed to the media more then ever in the entire history of human kind. The effects can already seen with imitation, display of aggression, behaviour and actions the children take.
Further Book recommendations on the Topic
Calvert, S. (2008). The handbook of children, media, and development (p. 640). Chichester, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell.
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